Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Haunch of Venison London

3. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer - Haunch of Venison London

Less Than Three

The gallery only exhibiting 7 pieces of work held a very attractive interactive art work. It was based on light and sound. You would say a word into a telecom and lights would turn on and go round in their designed shape and then you would hear the word back but with a different pitch of volume.
It was called ‘Less Than Three’ and described as LED strips, 2 intercoms, computer dimming racks.

Pulse Tank

This was a tank that contained water in a dark room described as Ripple tank, heart rate sensors, solenoids, computer, spotlight, custom software and hardware, pump and chlorine.
The tank hand sensors around it which detected the heart beat rate and made ripples in water according to it.

4. Lisson Gallery – Edgeware Road.
The Gallery was under maintenance so I couldn’t have a look at the work the gallery was holding.

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