Wednesday, 1 October 2008


Contemporary: Modern era
Interactive: Interactive art is the kind of art that involves the participant in some way.
Design: Revolution, conversion, Makeover, Transformation

Over the period of time the Technology has made titanic changes starting from Radio, TV, Camera Film and Photography; TV, Films and Photography starting from black and to colour.

The period before 1935 was called the "Mechanical Television Era".

Looking into the history of television from beginning till 1980’s:
1862 First still image was transferred by Abbe Giovanna through wires.
1873 Transformation of images into electronic signals by scientist May and Smith.
1876 Idea of Television by George Carey
1877 Idea put on paper of a selenium camera that would let people see using electricity
1870s Designs for Electroscopes
1880 Theories about telephones devices which could transfer image and sound
1884 Images transfer over wires using 18 lines of resolution based on rotating metal disk technology.
1900 First Television in Paris.
1906 First Mechanical Television System
1907 Early Electronic System
1924/5 First moving Silhouette Images
1926 30 lines of resolution system running at 5 frames per second
1928 First Television station license
1929 Broadcasting twice a week
1936 Approximately 200 television sets were in use
1937 High broadcast in London
1940 343 lines of resolution, Colour television system
1978 Satellite delivery of programs
1981 1,125 lines of resolution

Nowadays we have different makes and types of television. Plasma size Televisions are in fashion with HD quality. We prefer to have small mobile phones but big size televisions and resolution is getter better day by day. Looking into the history of camera from its first make till 90’s, this started off with Obscura camera.

1814 First picture taken from Obscura camera by Frenchman called Joseph Nicephore (Shutter left open for eight hours)
1837 First fixed image taken by a French artist Louis Jacques Mande
1841 Patent of negative-positive by William Henry Talbot
1843 First photographic advertisement
1851 The Collodion process which only required two or three seconds of exposure time
1871 Gelatin dry plate silver bromide process invented by Richard Leach Maddox. The process meant that the negative no longer had to be developed immediately.
1884 Paper based photographic film was invented by a company called “Eastman” 1888 Kodak roll film camera
1900 “The Browning” camera
1913-14 First 35mm still camera
1927 Flash bulb invented
1941 Kodak colour negative film
1948 Polaroid camera
1968 First picture taken of our Planet from the moon
1978 Auto focus camera by Konica
1980 Camcorder by Sony
1984 Electronic still camera by Canon
1985 Digital imaging processor by Pixar
1990 Photos saved on cd by Kodak

Since 1990 till now the cameras have developed into digital world.

Television Reseach
Camera Research

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